Lifetime buddies, one straight, one gay with a 15 year crush on the other, finally hook up after I get them together.

Uploaded By: str8b8t4me
Description: One of my guys has had this str8 buddy since elementary school and he needed money. He also had a big lustful crush on him. The str8 guy wanted to break into pussy porn to make some big money. So, we told him gay porn paid better and broke him into gay4pay. Crush fulfilled.
Tags: straight, straight, men, str8, blowjob, big, cock, muscular, hung, bubble, butt, stud, pal, handsome, buddy, seduction, bud, buddies, fuck, tricked, kiss, bait, smooth, friends
  • 54%
Added: 2012-01-15  |   Views: 32189
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